It is accepted and agreed that ____________________________(buyer) purchase from Team Kennels a __________________________ dog male/female (___________________________ in color), for the sum of $__________ and under the following conditions. 1. Buyer must have dog examined by a licensed
Veterinarian within 72 hours of delivery of dog. Buyer agrees to provide annual vet exams with
vaccinations, including heartworm checks and preventatives. Buyer will ensure a
puppy will have all necessary boosters. Seller
recommends after 6 week shots, each puppy is given a booster at 9, 12 and 16
weeks of age. Buyer agrees that if vaccines are not kept current, warranty will be void. This dog’s health is
guaranteed for 3 days against distemper, leptospirosis and parvovirus. Puppy should not be allowed on the ground until after 3rd set of shots. Guarantee is void if dog is not seen by a
licensed Veterinarian with in 72 hours. Seller will provide a form to be filled out by buyers Veterinarian and mailed or emailed back to seller within 1 week. If this Vet form is not returned within that time frame, buyer agrees that ALL warranties/guarantees are null and void! 2. The Seller guarantees this dog to be free from
presently known inherited defects, and will replace the dog with
one of similar quality should a life threatening hereditary defect be diagnosed in writing
at any qualified veterinary specialist within 6 months of obtaining dog. Seller retains option of refunding the
purchase price or replacing the dog. 3. If at any time the buyer cannot maintain
responsibility of said dog, buyer shall first offer the dog by phone, email
or mail to seller. Seller will always take back dog at no charge. Buyer agrees seller may inquire about dog at any time. Microchip number. 4. This dog shall not be disposed of to a dog dealer, pet
shop, agent to either, or to anyone who does not sign an agreement precluding
such sale. The name and address of any
new owner shall be provided to seller, together with a copy of any such said
agreement. 5. This dog may not be used for breeding and said dog should
be spayed/neutered! 6. This dog shall be maintained in an adequate enclosed
area or on a leash and not be allowed to roam free. _________________________________________Buyer Signature Copyright (c) since 1999 Team Kennels. All rights reserved. |